Transform your business with data and AI . Introducing Pipeline Lab's AI- related services.

Deploy Machine Learning and AI Operations

The AI Strategy
Investments in data science teams and machine learning platforms are reaching top priorities for most companies. The last mile for AI project success is the deployment and management of models in production requiring new technology and practices. This new area is called Machine Learning Operations or MLOps.

Your AI Success

AI and Deep Learning is cutting-edge technology and in order to carry out the project you need the right team with experience and dedication.

Our engineers have profound knowledge in AI are often praised and pleased by clients for the superiority compared with other companies.
The cloud will significantly improve access to data, computing power, and speed. This will allow companies to scale AI faster, achieve business outcomes, and transform into sustainable growth. Can be accelerated.

How about starting from prototype?

One of the most frequent requests to us is, "We'd like to expand our business by utilizing our own data. Can you help us?"
After organizing a dedicated development team for the client, we'll work, searching the most appropriate purity and amount of data, algorithm and etc., through trial and error.

Examples of our developments

Collaborative development
with major internet service provider
Development of recommendation
AI using big data of past purchases from their mobile networks.
Collaborative development
with listed digital signage
related company
Developed AI to optimize the ad display
using the image data of pedestrians.
Collaborative development
with cyber security related
Developed cyber security internet filtering AI
for children using traffic identification

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